developmental disabilites service provider or organization in Alberta

24-Hour Residential Programs

Compassionate Care, Around the Clock

Our 24 hour residential programs are designed to provide continous, round-the-clock care for individuals who need a structured and supprotive living environment. These programs ensure that clients have access to professional assistance and supervision at all times, fostering a safe and nurturing atmosphere. our team of dedicated caregivers and healthcare professonals work tirelessly to create personalized care plans that cater to the unique needs of each resident, promoting their well-being and enhancing their quality of life.

Here's a detailed look at our housing and accomodation services

developmental disabilites service provider or organization in Alberta

Personalized Living Spaces

Each resident has their own private space, tailored to their preferences and needs. This includes modifications and assistive technologies to support physical and cognitive requirements

developmental disabilites service provider or organization in Alberta

Comprehensive Support

Our dedicated team of professionals provide continuous, comprehensive support and supervision to children, youths and adults, ensuring that residents receive the care they need around the clock. This includes assistance with daily living activities, personal care, and health management

developmental disabilites service provider or organization in Alberta

Family Involvement

We encourage family paticipaion and maintain open commnication with family members to ensure they are involved in the care and support process. We provide regular updates and welcome their input in the care planning processes

developmental disabilites service provider or organization in Alberta

Community Integration

We believe in the importance of community involvement and social inclusion. Our services include opportunities for residents to engage with the local community, participate in social activities and build meaningful relationships

Conversational Form (#3)